ABS for Life the No. 1 Solution on How to Get Six Pack ABS
Published on by Neil Frost
This Book was ranked 16 by Google Books for keyword six pack in six days.
ABS for Life the No. 1 Solution on How to Get Six Pack ABS
Published on by Neil Frost
This Book was ranked 16 by Google Books for keyword six pack in six days.
The U.S. Beer Market
Published on 2001 by
This Book was ranked 13 by Google Books for keyword six pack price.
Steampunk Six Pack
By:"Edgar Allan Poe","Mark Twain","Jules Verne","Jonathan Swift","Michel Verne","Grant Allen"
Published on 2015-12-06 by Lulu.com
Steampunk Six Pack is a retro-futurist's delight, a menagerie of human horses, rocket-ships to the moon, time machines and even the Internet. It's all here, in six classic steampunks from 1726-1900: Gulliver's Travels Part IV, The Unparalleled Adventures Of One Hans Pfaall, From the Earth to the Moon, In The Year 2889 and The British Barbarians. From 'The London Times' of 1904
This Book was ranked 24 by Google Books for keyword i want a six pack.
Decide & Deliver
By:"Marcia W. Blenko","Michael C. Mankins","Paul Rogers"
Published on 2010 by Harvard Business Press
Dithering. Decisions that turn out wrong. Decisions that people sabotage or don't know how to implement. If your company's experiencing these problems, it's not alone. Most organizations don't know how to make and execute good decisions. And they're paying a high price as profitability and competitiveness erode. It doesn't have to be this way. InDecide and Deliver, the authors draw on Bain & Company's extensive research to present a five-step process for improving your firm's decision effectiveness: Assess your decision effectiveness and how your organization affects it. Identify your critical decisions. Set individual critical decisions up for success. Ensure that your company enables and reinforces great decision making and execution. Embed the changes in everyday practice. Master this process, and you see immediate results: people across your organization collaborate to make crucial decisions better and faster than your rivals. And they execute them flawlessly-fueling unprecedented financial performance. Filled with powerful hands-on tools and detailed examples from companies as varied as Ford Motor Company, British American Tobacco, Telstra, Lafarge, and ABB UK, Decide and Deliver helps you make decision management a potent competitive weapon in your company. Author Biography Marcia Blenkoleads Bain & Company's Global Organization practice and is a partner in Bain's Boston office. Michael C. Mankins leads Bain's Organization practice in the Americas and is a key member of Bain's Strategy practice. He is a partner in Bain's San Francisco office. Paul Rogers is the managing partner for Bain's London office and previously led Bain's Global Organization practice.
This Book was ranked 14 by Google Books for keyword six pack abb.
Truth about Six Pack Abs
By:"Michael. D. Geary"
Published on 2006 by
This Book was ranked 2 by Google Books for keyword six pack abb.
How to Get Perfect Abs
By:"Bill Vincent"
Published on 2012-06-14 by Booktango
This Book was ranked 35 by Google Books for keyword how to six pack abs.
Instant ab workouts
By:"Infinite Ideas"
Published on 2011-12-12 by Infinite Ideas
You probably don’t realise it but there’s more than one set of muscles to your abs and many more ways of working them than spending hours doing punishing crunches in the gym. The rectus abdominis is your potential six-pack and the muscle most people are thinking of when they talk about abs, but your abs are made up of three sets of muscles. As well as the rectus abdominis there are the obliques in your side, which come into play when twisting and bending, and the transversus abdominis, which goes all the way across your stomach, behind the rectus abdominis. For maximum toning you need to work all three muscles individually and together rather than just focusing on the easily worked and dominant rectus abdominis. The good news is that there are plenty of exercises you can do without even needing to go to the gym so your workout can be varied and interesting rather than the gruelling tedium of endless crunches. Here’s to flatter stomachs!
This Book was ranked 10 by Google Books for keyword workout for 6 pack abs.
The Economist
Published on 1999 by
This Book was ranked 16 by Google Books for keyword six pack abb.
Looking For America
By:"Douglas Simpson"
Published on 2006-08-24 by WinePress Publishing
A political strategist and campaign consultant defines from a Scriptural basis as to why there are two opposing viewpoints to every political issue. Looking for America calls us back to the simple faith upon which our nation was founded.
This Book was ranked 35 by Google Books for keyword six pack in six days.
Your Dieting Daughter
By:"Carolyn Costin"
Published on 2013-03-05 by Routledge
Your Dieting Daughter is a must read for anyone wanting to help contribute to a young woman’s development of a healthy self and body esteem, whether she is 13 or 30. Costin has updated the first edition of this book to reflect her 15 additional years of expertise on dealing with the tricky issues of body image, food, and weight in a culture that places an unhealthy emphasis on being thin. From aiding a young girl to lose weight for health reasons; to encouraging a young woman to accept her natural body size; to helping detect, prevent, and understand eating disorders, this second edition is full of practical and invaluable information. Chapters guide parents in the Do’s and Don’ts that will help a daughter to accept, respect, and care for her body. Readers will learn the importance of setting a good example and the critical need to take the focus from numbers and measurements - such as scale weight, clothing size, miles run, or sit-ups accomplished - to important goals like health, body acceptance, and finding physical activity to enjoy. Whether you are interested in being a good role model for you daughter, helping girls and women who are currently suffering from an eating disorder or body image issues, or raising the next generation of girls to value the size of their heart over their body size, this is a book not to be missed.
This Book was ranked 11 by Google Books for keyword male six pack abs.
Living Vegetarian For Dummies
By:"Suzanne Havala Hobbs"
Published on 2009-11-05 by John Wiley & Sons
Practical ways to explore and adapt a vegetarian lifestyle Are you considering a vegetarian diet for yourself or your family? Wondering if it's safe and how you'll get the right amount of nutrients? This authoritative guide has all the answers you need about living vegetarian, featuring healthful advice as well as delicious dishes involving vegetables, fruits, grains, and dairy. Inside you'll find expert advice on adopting a vegetarian lifestyle, from creating a vegetarian shopping list and understanding the nutritional aspects of vegetarian eating, to using the right cooking supplies to vegetarian etiquette, eating out, and converting a kitchen-and your family's mindset-away from meat. You'll discover how to make it work when you're the only member of the house who is vegetarian, as well as how to support a family member, including a child. Provides the latest information on vegetarian diets as they relate to health, the environment, and other areas of our lives Includes tips for gradually reducing your meat intake Explains the benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle Offers dozens of new recipes designed to ease the transition from omnivore to vegetarian Whether you're a long-time vegetarian or just starting out, Living Vegetarian For Dummies, 2nd Edition is your guide to evaluating and enjoying a meat-free lifestyle.
This Book was ranked 39 by Google Books for keyword how to six pack abs.
ABS for Life the No. 1 Solution on How to Get Six Pack ABS
Published on by Neil Frost
This Book was ranked 5 by Google Books for keyword how to six pack abs.
The New High Intensity Training
By:"Ellington Darden"
Published on 2004-10-01 by Rodale
Presents the high intensity training philosophy with key training points, a specialized two-week course for developing certain areas of the body, a nutrition plan for boosting body mass, and stories of well-known HIT users.
This Book was ranked 7 by Google Books for keyword six pack training.
Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey
By:"Countess Of Carnarvon"
Published on 2011-09-29 by Hachette UK
Lady Fiona Carnarvon became the chatelaine of Highclere Castle - the setting of the hit series Downton Abbey - eight years ago. In that time she's become fascinated by the rich history of Highclere, and by the extraordinary people who lived there over the centuries. One person particularly captured Fiona's imagination - Lady Almina, the 5th Countess of Carnarvon. Almina was the illegitimate daughter of banking tycoon Alfred de Rothschild. She was his only daughter and he doted on her. She married the 5th Earl of Carnarvon, at 19, with an enormous dowry. At first, life at Highclere was a dizzying mix of sumptuous banquets for 500 and even the occasional royal visitor. Almina oversaw 80 members of staff - many of whom came from families who had worked at Highclere for generations. But when the First World War broke out, life at Highclere changed forever. History intervened and Almina and the staff of Highclere were thrown into one of the most turbulent times of the last century. Almina was forced to draw on her deepest reserves of courage in order to ensure her family, the staff and the castle survived. This is the remarkable story of a lost time. But Highclere remains and in this book, Fiona weaves Almina's journey and those of her family into the heritage and history of one of England's most exquisite Victorian castles.
This Book was ranked 38 by Google Books for keyword six pack abb.
Stoic Six Pack 6: The Cyrenaics
By:"Xenophon","Marcus Tullius Cicero","Diogenes Laërtius","Plato","William Smith"
Published on by Lulu.com
This Book was ranked 2 by Google Books for keyword 6 six pack.
Saga Six Pack 5
By:"Peter Christen Asbjornsen","R. M. Ballantyne","George Webbe Dasent","Jorgen Engebretsen","Snorri Sturluson","Charles W. Whistler"
Published on 2016-06-06 by Lulu.com
Saga Six Pack 5 is a Viking-sized selection of Scandinavian super-stories: Erling the Bold by R. M. Ballantyne; Big Peter and Little Peter by George Webbe Dasent; The Saga of Harald Hardrade by Snorri Sturluson; The Master Thief by Peter Christen Asbjornsen; A Sea Queen's Sailing by Charles W. Whistler and Bruin and Reynard by Jorgen Engebretsen.\
This Book was ranked 26 by Google Books for keyword i want a six pack.
Querdenken im Marketing
By:"Gerd-Inno Spindler"
Published on 2016-02-09 by Springer-Verlag
Dieses Buch zeigt anschaulich, wie Querdenken als Management-Methode funktioniert, welche Prozessschritte erforderlich sind und wie diese im Detail umgesetzt werden. Inspirierend für alle, die sich nicht mit Optimierungen begnügen, sondern als Spielmacher im Markt dem Preis-Wettbewerb entkommen und neue Wachstumsschübe generieren wollen. Mit zahlreichen Querdenker-Beispielen wie Vapiano, engelbert strauss, Weber Grill, Ryanair, Nespresso, FedEx u.v.m. „Querdenken aus der operativen Sicht zum Anfassen.“ Michael Weinreich, Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung, arvato infoscore GmbH
This Book was ranked 30 by Google Books for keyword six pack abb.
The Mopar Six-Pack Engine Handbook
By:"Larry Shepard"
Published on 2008 by Penguin
A step-by-step guide to rebuilding, restoring, and modifying the famous Mopar ?Six-Pack? engines that appeared in all of Chrysler?s muscle cars from 1969 through 1971, as well as the late- model small-blocks and crate performance motors currently offered by Chrysler.
This Book was ranked 5 by Google Books for keyword six pack guide.
Fast Six Pack Abs
By:"Frank C. Rollins"
Published on 2015-03-22 by Enlightened Publishing
If you are interested in learning everything there is to get fast results of 6 pack abs, then this is going to be the most important book you'll ever read... Just imagine being able to get cut, sexy abs without doing harmful exercises and without a personal trainer. Lose belly fat for six pack abs the right way - no overhyped supplements, long boring cardio, or bogus ab gadgets. You will get the honest answers to abdominal exercises and stomach fat loss. Yes you could have a six-pack. It truly is possible, but you just need to know how. Start Loosing Weight and Getting In Shape in Just 7 Days! Here's what you'll discover in Fast Six Pack Abs: - How to get the six-pack you have always dreamed of...And FAST! - How to prepare yourself mentally so you can succeed physically... - 3 little known, yet simple diet to get great abs...And keep them... - A 6-week training program that get you the 6-pack abs you are looking for... - Exercises with step-by-step instructions & illustrations so there is no confusion as to what to do... - Secret of expert ab trainer specialists that few people ever know about... - 3 proven steps to improve the way you clean your teeth and your mouth... - 2 simple keys (that are right in front of your eyes) to understanding your bad breath problem... - WARNING: 3 things you should never do when it comes to working out your abs... - You'll discover in just a few short minutes simple ways to prepare your heart and your mind for physical change... - 6 time tested and proven strategies for picking ab exercises that are right for you... - 7 everyday but often overlooked tips and tricks for eating right to loose aid your success... - How often to exercise to get cut abs... - How to understand your ab muscles; where they are and what they do... - Exercise along is not enough. Discover the holistic system combined with diet & nutrition plan to get you over the top... - And much more...
This Book was ranked 11 by Google Books for keyword how to make six pack.
Fashion and Cultural Studies
By:"Susan B. Kaiser"
Published on 2012 by A&C Black
Fashion and Cultural Studies addresses the growing interaction between the two fields. Bridging theory and practice, it draws on cultural diversity in fashion, dress and style in the context of globalization and its varied cultural-historical underpinnings.
This Book was ranked 29 by Google Books for keyword male six pack abs.
By:"Alexander Arlandt"
Published on 2016-05-22 by neobooks
Du bist gerade dabei, die 6 geheimen Schritte für einen Waschbrettbauch herauszufinden. Diese werden Dir helfen, dass Du endlich Dein SixPack bekommst. Dieses Buch ist eine der wertvollsten Resourcen, wenn es darum geht, die Grundlagen für einen Waschbrettbauch zu lernen. In diesem Buch erhälst Du Die 6 Tricks für einen Waschbrettbauch Praktische Ratschläge zum Abnehmen Tipps für Ihren Erfolg Viele Hintergrundinfos, warum diese Prinzipien wirksam sind Und vieles mehr ... Dieses Buch zeigt alles auf, was Du brauchst, um endlich Dein SixPack zu erzielen. Es wird Dir alles zeigen, damit Du erfolgreich bist und endlich die lästigen Pfunde um Deinen Bauch herum verlierst. Sich selbst zu versprechen, das man abnimmt ist die eine Sache und relativ einfach, aber dabei zu bleiben und durchzuhalten ist eine andere. Auf der Suche nach der Lösung zum Gewichtsverlust und um ein gewisses Maß an Erfolg zu haben, braucht es sorgfältige Planung. Und genau dabei wird Dir dieses Buch helfen - nämlich auch die nötige Motivation zu haben und auch langfristig dabei zu bleiben. Denke daran, welch einen großen Unterschied es in Deinem Leben und Deiner Gesundheit erzielen kann, wenn Du noch heute mit den Änderungen beginnst. Gott sei Dank bist Du intelligent ... sonst hättest Du erst gar nicht nach einer Lösung für Dein Problem gesucht, nach einer gesünderen Zukunft und Deinem heiß ersehnten Waschbrettbauch. Dieses Buch könnte das wichtigste Buch sein, das Du jemals in Ihrem Leben lesen wirst. Lasse Dich nicht täuschen, wenn Du nicht mit den richtigen Mitteln arbeitest, kann es leicht passieren. dass Du Dich nur im Kreis drehst und nichts erreichst. Du wirst viel Geld ausgeben, um nach einer magischen Pille zu suchen, um endlich Deinen Waschbrettbauch zu haben. Aber die Wahrheit ist und bleibt, es gibt nun mal keine magische Pille für den Waschbrettbauch. Nur wenn Du die Prinzipien und Grundlagen genau kennst, wirst Du schnell feststellen, wie man einen echten Waschbrettbauch bekommt. Mit diesem Buch kannst Du nicht nur den Weg bis zum Waschbrettbauch genießen! Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass Gesundheit und Fitness ein ganzheitliches Erlebnis ist, wirst Du auch immer für alles bereit sein, egal was Deinen Weg kreuzt! Mit diesem großartigen Leitfaden wirst Du auf absolut alles, was noch kommen mag, vorbereitet sein. Denn die Wahrheit ist, einen Waschbrettbauch zu haben ist nicht nur sehr attraktiv, es ist auch sehr gut für Deinen Geist und Deine Gesundheit. Und dies gilt sowohl für Männer als auch Frauen. Dieses Buch ist daher für jeden geeignet, egal ob Mann oder Frau. Durch das Erlernen der wichtigsten Prinzipien erhältst Du alle Informationen, um Deine Pfunde zu verlieren und dadurch den Waschbrettbauch zu erzielen, von dem Sie schon immer geträumt haben. Fange also heute noch damit an!
This Book was ranked 24 by Google Books for keyword 6 six pack.
Silicon Valley: Joe Six-Pack’s Quest for the American Dream
By:"C.W. Horsham"
Published on 2015-09-08 by Page Publishing Inc
We all travel similar but different paths along the road of life! Some say our paths are predetermined and others say Time and Circumstances decides what our experiences would be! I say…Whatever determines our situation is of no consequence because once we enter the Human Race survival becomes our main goal; but I question whether it should be! I invite you to take a ride with Joe Sixpack on his journey for the American Dream and find out whether it’s the Theory of Predetermination or the Reality of Circumstances which guide us through our journeys in life!
This Book was ranked 38 by Google Books for keyword how to make six pack.
Fast Six Pack Abs
By:"Frank C. Rollins"
Published on 2015-03-22 by Enlightened Publishing
If you are interested in learning everything there is to get fast results of 6 pack abs, then this is going to be the most important book you'll ever read... Just imagine being able to get cut, sexy abs without doing harmful exercises and without a personal trainer. Lose belly fat for six pack abs the right way - no overhyped supplements, long boring cardio, or bogus ab gadgets. You will get the honest answers to abdominal exercises and stomach fat loss. Yes you could have a six-pack. It truly is possible, but you just need to know how. Start Loosing Weight and Getting In Shape in Just 7 Days! Here's what you'll discover in Fast Six Pack Abs: - How to get the six-pack you have always dreamed of...And FAST! - How to prepare yourself mentally so you can succeed physically... - 3 little known, yet simple diet to get great abs...And keep them... - A 6-week training program that get you the 6-pack abs you are looking for... - Exercises with step-by-step instructions & illustrations so there is no confusion as to what to do... - Secret of expert ab trainer specialists that few people ever know about... - 3 proven steps to improve the way you clean your teeth and your mouth... - 2 simple keys (that are right in front of your eyes) to understanding your bad breath problem... - WARNING: 3 things you should never do when it comes to working out your abs... - You'll discover in just a few short minutes simple ways to prepare your heart and your mind for physical change... - 6 time tested and proven strategies for picking ab exercises that are right for you... - 7 everyday but often overlooked tips and tricks for eating right to loose aid your success... - How often to exercise to get cut abs... - How to understand your ab muscles; where they are and what they do... - Exercise along is not enough. Discover the holistic system combined with diet & nutrition plan to get you over the top... - And much more...
This Book was ranked 2 by Google Books for keyword six pack in six days.
The Jack Daniels Six Pack
By:"J. A. Konrath"
Published on 2010-08-11 by Hyperion
Includes: Whiskey Sour, Bloody Mary, Rusty Nail, Dirty Martini, Fuzzy Navel, and Cherry Bomb.
This Book was ranked 10 by Google Books for keyword i want a six pack.
Outside the Wire
By:"Christine Dumaine Leche","Brian Turner"
Published on 2013 by University of Virginia Press
Collects thirty-eight narratives from American soldiers serving in Afghanistan, shedding light on life in a war zone.
This Book was ranked 32 by Google Books for keyword six pack abs in six weeks.
The Women's Health Big Book of Exercises
By:"Adam Campbell"
Published on 2009-12-22 by Rodale
The Women's Health Big Book of Exercises is the essential workout guide for anyone who wants a better body. As the most comprehensive collection of exercises ever created, this makeover manual is a body-shaping power tool for both beginners and longtime fitness buffs alike. From start to finish, this makeover manual bulges with hundreds of useful tips, the latest findings in exercise science, and cutting-edge workouts from the world's top trainers. Inside The Women's Health Big Book of Exercises you'll find 619 exercises expertly demonstrated with color photographs, with dozens of movements for every muscle in your body, including: More than 100 core exercises! You'll never run out of ways to sculpt your abs. 74 biceps, triceps, and forearm exercises: Tone your arms faster than ever before. 64 chest exercises, to burn more calories and even help give your bosom a lift. 103 back exercises, to make sure you turn heads in your backless dress. 40 shoulder exercises, so you can wear a tank top with confidence. 99 quadriceps and calves exercises, to help you look great in a pair of shorts. 62 glutes and hamstrings exercises, for the perfect backside. From cover to cover, you'll quickly see that there's a training plan for every fitness goal--whether you want to shrink your hip, find your abs, or shape your arms.
This Book was ranked 29 by Google Books for keyword best six pack exercises.
The New Mager Six-pack
By:"Robert Frank Mager"
Published on 1988 by
This Book was ranked 1 by Google Books for keyword six pack price.
The Sixpack Diet: How to Get a Sixpack With the Right Nutrition and Abs Exercises
By:"Joe Williams"
Published on 2012-08-31 by Lulu Press, Inc
If you are looking for sound advice and achievable ways to get your sixpack without going to the gym, this is the book for you. This is much more than a book of abs exercises which you have probably read before. It is a genuine guide to not just what to do to get a sixpack, but how to do it, and on only 10 minutes a day. That is why it is called the 'six-pack diet'. It is a whole package of exercises, foods to take and foods to avoid to get you your sixpack faster! You see, you can exercise yourself bluntly, but if you still keep eating the foods covered in this guide, you wont get your six-pack! In fact, everyone has a sixpack already. It is just covered by fat. So our task: to help you to uncover your sixpack! I'm sure you will love this guide.
This Book was ranked 3 by Google Books for keyword how to get six pack.
0-6 Pack Abs Fast: 5 Flat Belly Secrets - No Gym Needed!
By:"Todor Djordjevic"
Published on 2016-03-07 by Lulu Press, Inc
Proven steps and strategies on how to achieve a six-pack the right way finally revealed! This book will show you the five most effective flat belly secrets that will make your abs become visible quickly. By following these secrets, you will be able to drop a healthy average of 2 pounds per week and lose an average of 2 1⁄2 inches of belly fat in less than 30 days. Best of all, you do not have to pay for gym membership, sign up for an expensive diet program, or purchase scary-sounding supplements. Just follow these secrets that will get you to eat smart and train right, and you will have your 6-pack abs.
This Book was ranked 5 by Google Books for keyword 30 days to six pack abs.
Enhancing the Human Experience through Assistive Technologies and E-Accessibility
By:"Kouroupetroglou, Christos"
Published on 2014-06-30 by IGI Global
Information Communication Technologies (ICT) have become an increasingly prevalent part of everyday life. Today, there are many cases in which ICT assist the elderly and people with disabilities to complete tasks once thought impossible. Enhancing the Human Experience through Assistive Technologies and E-Accessibility discusses trends in ICT in relation to assistive technologies and their impact on everyday tasks for those with disabilities. This reference work provides different perspectives on upcoming technologies and their impact on e-accessibility and e-inclusion, essential topics for researchers, businesses, and ICT product developers in the field of assistive technologies.
This Book was ranked 30 by Google Books for keyword six pack in 2 weeks.
Fat-Burning Machine
By:"Mike Berland"
Published on 2015-12-29 by Simon and Schuster
Are you ready to change your body for life? Do you want to step on a scale and feel happy? Do you want to look in the mirror and feel proud? Do you want looser-fitting clothes? Do you want more energy? Do you want to sleep solidly through the night? No games. No gimmicks. No shakes. No starvation. Just a straightforward and simple, doctor-approved approach to eating and exercise that throws out decades of bad science and will transform you from being a fat-storing person into a permanent FAT-BURNING MACHINE. This is our promise: Follow this plan and you will experience dramatic, life-altering results. But if you still need further convincing, just ask yourself: • Have you been gaining a pound or so a year, for the past few years? • Do you crave sugar and snacks, and worry that you can’t control your cravings? • Do you feel that the more you exercise, the hungrier you are and the more you eat? • Does exercise make you feel tired and weak? • Are you working out more than ever and still gaining weight? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it’s time to find out if the habits you’ve developed are causing your body to store fat or to burn it. So much of what you’ve been taught about fitness and weight loss is patently false—that you have to eliminate all fat from your diet or that you should load up on carbohydrates before a workout. These practices may actually be sabotaging your success. Fat-Burning Machine exposes the myths that have prevented you from achieving your weight and fitness goals, and will revolutionize the way you think about your body, your health, and your outlook on life.
This Book was ranked 15 by Google Books for keyword fast 6 pack abs.
Six-Pack Abs
By:"Matt Roberts"
Published on 2003 by Dk Pub
In these four pocket-sized guides, fitness celebrity Matt Roberts helps target the body parts that men and women most want to sculpt, tone, and shape. Each book contains structured workouts that combine special resistance exercises, cardio workouts, and stretching techniques that are guaranteed to help readers increase energy, self-confidence, and become more physically fit.
This Book was ranked 1 by Google Books for keyword best six pack exercises.
The Jack Daniels Six Pack
By:"J. A. Konrath"
Published on 2010-08-11 by Harper Collins
Includes: Whiskey Sour, Bloody Mary, Rusty Nail, Dirty Martini, Fuzzy Navel, and Cherry Bomb.
This Book was ranked 19 by Google Books for keyword man with 6 pack.
The Billboard Book of Top 40 Hits
By:"Joel Whitburn"
Published on 2000 by Watson-Guptill Publications
Features information on all the pop singles and artists who have hit the Billboard charts since 1955.
This Book was ranked 26 by Google Books for keyword six pack in 2 weeks.
Six-Pack Abs in 60 Days
By:"Robert Kennedy","Dwayne Hines, II"
Published on 1998 by Mississauga Ont. : MuscleMag International
Provides beginners with guidance on abdominal exercising. The text offers an eight-week exercise programme consisting of six routines of varying intensities. Numerous aerobic exercises are described and presented in routines, targeting fat burning. Nutritional issues are also addressed.
This Book was ranked 22 by Google Books for keyword 6 six pack.
Formula 50
By:"50 Cent","Jeff O'Connell"
Published on 2012-12-27 by Penguin
Get fit like 50 Cent: The phenomenally fit superstar rapper reveals his strategic six-week workout plan for achieving a ripped body—and developing the mental toughness to stay in shape for a lifetime. Survival is a recurring theme of 50 Cent’s lyrics, and his life. That’s why, with obesity rates soaring and fitness levels declining, he wants to give everyone an all-access pass to his premium plan for lifelong fitness. In Formula 50, the mega-successful entertainer and entrepreneur unleashes the power of metabolic resistance training (MRT), the key ingredient that has helped him achieve the famously buff physique that makes his music videos sizzle. Through MRT, 50 Cent’s fitness plan breaks down the barriers between traditional weight training and cardio workouts, accelerating fat loss while building muscle and improving overall fitness. Designed for a six-week rollout for total mind-body transformation, the Formula 50 regimen builds willpower while it builds physical power. In addition to motivation, nutrition is another key element; readers will discover the unique dietary combinations that fuel 50 Cent’s workouts. Coauthored with Jeff O’Connell, health journalist and editor-in-chief at Bodybuilding.com (the world’s largest fitness website), the book delivers a payoff that goes beyond six-pack abs and flab-free pecs: This is a fitness plan that boosts energy, endurance, flexibility, and mobility. The result is a body you’ve always dreamed of—and the mindset to attain the rest of your dreams.
This Book was ranked 26 by Google Books for keyword 6 six pack.