Friday, March 31, 2017

The Strength Training Anatomy Workout

The Strength Training Anatomy Workout
By:"Frédéric Delavier","Michael Gundill"
Published on 2011 by Human Kinetics

Highlighted by the author's illustrations and hundreds of full-color photos, an ideal supplement offers 200-plus exercises and 50 programs for strength, power, bodybuilding, shaping and toning, and sport-specific training in more than 30 sports, with each exercise including step-by-step instruction, callouts for variation and safety considerations. Original.

This Book was ranked 19 by Google Books for keyword six abs pack.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Essential Abs

Essential Abs
By:"Kurt Brungardt"
Published on 2001-05-18 by Rodale

Provides instructions on following a six-week program designed to help men integrate abdominal exercises into a workout either at home or at the gym, and suggests ways to build abdominal muscle for fitness or participation in sports.

This Book was ranked 7 by Google Books for keyword male six pack abs.

Fast Six Pack Abs

Fast Six Pack Abs
By:"Frank C. Rollins"
Published on 2015-03-22 by Enlightened Publishing

If you are interested in learning everything there is to get fast results of 6 pack abs, then this is going to be the most important book you'll ever read... Just imagine being able to get cut, sexy abs without doing harmful exercises and without a personal trainer. Lose belly fat for six pack abs the right way - no overhyped supplements, long boring cardio, or bogus ab gadgets. You will get the honest answers to abdominal exercises and stomach fat loss. Yes you could have a six-pack. It truly is possible, but you just need to know how. Start Loosing Weight and Getting In Shape in Just 7 Days! Here's what you'll discover in Fast Six Pack Abs: - How to get the six-pack you have always dreamed of...And FAST! - How to prepare yourself mentally so you can succeed physically... - 3 little known, yet simple diet to get great abs...And keep them... - A 6-week training program that get you the 6-pack abs you are looking for... - Exercises with step-by-step instructions & illustrations so there is no confusion as to what to do... - Secret of expert ab trainer specialists that few people ever know about... - 3 proven steps to improve the way you clean your teeth and your mouth... - 2 simple keys (that are right in front of your eyes) to understanding your bad breath problem... - WARNING: 3 things you should never do when it comes to working out your abs... - You'll discover in just a few short minutes simple ways to prepare your heart and your mind for physical change... - 6 time tested and proven strategies for picking ab exercises that are right for you... - 7 everyday but often overlooked tips and tricks for eating right to loose aid your success... - How often to exercise to get cut abs... - How to understand your ab muscles; where they are and what they do... - Exercise along is not enough. Discover the holistic system combined with diet & nutrition plan to get you over the top... - And much more...

This Book was ranked 17 by Google Books for keyword six pack training.

Monday, March 27, 2017

The 6 Principles To Six Pack Abs

The 6 Principles To Six Pack Abs
By:"Noah Daniels"
Published on 2015-03-01 by BookRix

Are your six pack ab seeking efforts not going according to plan... maybe even making life miserable? Does it seem like you’ve tried and tried everything out there to reveal your six pack abs, and yet, despite your best intentions, you’re still plagued with: - No results - No six pack abs - Lost motivation Well...if you see yourself in any of those statements...listen up. Have you ever looked down at your midsection and felt that awful feeling in the pit of your stomach where you know it's not how you want to look and you so desperately on the inside wish to shed all those extra pounds revealing the toned midsection you've always dreamed about? Then Now More Than Ever It Is More Important To Get Your Six Pack Abs And Learn How To Do It Successfully! By learning the principles to six pack abs you will gain all the information you need to keep shed those extra pounds and start living the life you've always dreamed about. - The 6 Principles To Six Pack Abs - Practical Advice On Weight Loss - Tips To Help You Succeed - Why These Principles Are Effective And More...

This Book was ranked 32 by Google Books for keyword six pack training.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Green's Operative Hand Surgery

Green's Operative Hand Surgery
By:"Scott W. Wolfe","William C. Pederson","Robert N. Hotchkiss","Scott H. Kozin","Mark S Cohen"
Published on 2010-11-24 by Elsevier Health Sciences

Green’s Operative Hand Surgery, edited in its Sixth Edition by Scott W. Wolfe, MD, provides today’s most complete, authoritative guidance on the effective surgical and non-surgical management of all conditions of the hand, wrist, and elbow. Now featuring a new full-color format, photographs, and illustrations, plus operative videos and case studies online at Expert Consult, this new edition shows you more vividly than ever before how to perform all of the latest techniques and achieve optimal outcomes. Access the complete contents online, fully searchable, at Overcome your toughest clinical challenges with advice from world-renowned hand surgeons. Master all the latest approaches, including the newest hand implants and arthroplastic techniques. Get tips for overcoming difficult surgical challenges through \

This Book was ranked 39 by Google Books for keyword six pack in 2 weeks.

Muscle Myths

Muscle Myths
By:"Michael Matthews"
Published on 2012-03-01 by Oculus Publishers

If you want to build muscle and lose fat easily, effectively, and rapidly…and if you’d like to rid yourself of all kinds of bad advice and habits that are making getting into great shape much harder than it should be…then you need to read this book. Let me ask you a question. Do any of the following claims sound familiar? “I have bad genetics--I just can't build muscle or lose fat easily.” “You have to work your abs more to get a six-pack.? “When doing cardio, you want your heart rate in the 'fat burning zone.'” “Don't eat carbohydrates--they make you fat.” “Don't eat at night if you want to lose weight.” “If you wait too long in between meals, your body goes into 'starvation mode' and you will mess up your metabolism.” “I'm overweight because I have a slow metabolism.” You've probably heard one or more of these statements before, and the sad truth is lies like these have ruined many people's fitness ambitions. Thanks to the overwhelming amount of fitness pseudo-science and lies being pushed on us every day by bogus magazines and self-styled \

This Book was ranked 22 by Google Books for keyword i want a six pack.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Six Weeks to a Spiritual (& Physical) Six Pack

Six Weeks to a Spiritual (& Physical) Six Pack
By:"Rebekah Clementson"
Published on 2015-12-06 by

The Six Weeks to a Six Pack study is designed to help you become your best spiritually and physically. Each week there is a \

This Book was ranked 5 by Google Books for keyword six pack in six days.

How to Get Abs

How to Get Abs
By:"John Mayo"
Published on 2015-02-20 by Createspace Independent Pub

How To Get Abs: How To Get Abs With an Extensive 6 Week Workout Plan Are you tired of doing the same old boring core exercises? Have you tried nearly everything to get that flat stomach and six pack that you've always wanted? Then this book will be the perfect fit for you!It's time to get in the best shape of your life. I have been helping people get fit for years and the most common question I get asked is, \

This Book was ranked 16 by Google Books for keyword workout for 6 pack abs.

The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of (Enhanced Edition)

The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of (Enhanced Edition)
By:"Ben Greenfield","Nick Nilsson"
Published on 2012-02-17 by Price World Publishing

This Book was ranked 10 by Google Books for keyword best six pack exercises.

Friday, March 24, 2017

The Badass Body Diet

The Badass Body Diet
By:"Christmas Abbott"
Published on 2015-05-12 by HarperCollins

CrossFit celebrity Christmas Abbott shows how to attain the body of your dreams with a targeted eating strategy and total-body workout plan that will whip glutes and hips—and every problem area—into top shape. As a formerly “skinny fat” woman, Christmas Abbott knows what real women need to get the butt and body of their dreams. In The Badass Body Diet, she dispels the myth of the health benefits of a “pear shape” body, teaches readers how to spot-reduce excess fat with targeted meal plans and recipes that zap cellulite, and galvanizes them with a quick and simple workout plan for a toned butt—the key to total body fitness. Your “glutes” (the technical term for booty) are the body’s largest and most powerful muscle group—and one of the most beautiful—but they can go dormant, flat, and flabby. Packed with essential information, and inspirational before-and-after photos of her clients, The Badass Body Diet shows how to whip that butt into shape and provides essential information on how to: Select essential “booty foods”—the right proteins, fats, and carbs Experience a total body workout with an easy-to-follow, powerful exercise program Improve posture and functional mobility and enhance overall health Target cellulite through diet, workout strategies, and other proven tips And much more. Unlike most “one approach fits all” diet and exercise books, The Badass Body Diet identifies the three types of dieters that Christmas has discovered working with hundreds of clients at her CrossFit gyms—Modifiers, Gainers, and Maintainers—and tailors her approach to each, providing specific goals for maximum results. Stop obsessing about a flat belly, Christmas advises. A Badass Body is a birthright, and it starts at the bottom—with a trim and tight tush.

This Book was ranked 30 by Google Books for keyword best six pack exercises.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Public Utilities Reports

Public Utilities Reports
Published on 2002 by

This Book was ranked 8 by Google Books for keyword six pack abb.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Comprehension Power Readers Victory Is Sweet Six Pack Grade 6 2004c

Comprehension Power Readers Victory Is Sweet Six Pack Grade 6 2004c
Published on 2003-05 by

This Book was ranked 10 by Google Books for keyword 6 six pack.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Economic Perspective

Economic Perspective
By:"David M. Streifford"
Published on 1990-01-01 by Richard d Irwin

This Book was ranked 25 by Google Books for keyword six pack price.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Your Best Body at 40+

Your Best Body at 40+
By:"Jeff Csatari"
Published on 2010-03-16 by Rodale

A program of flexibility and strength-building exercises, nutritional advice and tasty recipes geared toward men in their 40s promises to help them build muscle and lose weight, have more energy and feel happier, strengthen bones, enjoy better sex, keep their brains sharp, manage stress and look younger.

This Book was ranked 39 by Google Books for keyword 30 days to six pack abs.

Body Rx

Body Rx
By:"A. Scott Connelly","Carol Colman"
Published on 2002-12-31 by Berkley Publishing Group

One of the most respected figures in fitness, human nutrition, and metabolism shares his \

This Book was ranked 7 by Google Books for keyword get 6 pack.


By:"Epictetus","George Long"
Published on 2004-01 by Courier Corporation

A first-century Stoic, Epictetus argued that we will always be happy if we learn to desire that things should be exactly as they are. His Enchiridion, or Manual, is a distillation of his teachings and an instructional manual for a tranquil life as it offers guidelines for those seeking contentment.

This Book was ranked 36 by Google Books for keyword man with 6 pack.

Enchanted: Volume One

Enchanted: Volume One
By:"Bethany Michaels"
Published on 2015-10-26 by Dragonfly Press Books

Like things that go \

This Book was ranked 5 by Google Books for keyword male six pack abs.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Tighten Your Tummy in 2 Weeks

Tighten Your Tummy in 2 Weeks
By:"Ellington Darden"
Published on 2015-08-18 by Rodale

Tighten Your Tummy in 2 Weeks is a revolutionary new program that triggers hormones to burn more fat and melt pounds and inches primarily from the belly. A woman's tummy has now replaced her thighs as the most-troublesome body part. Seventy-six percent of women surveyed in 2014 admitted that they were unhappy with their midsection. And a large tummy is a warning sign of significant potential health issues. QUESTION: How would you like to lose 14 inches from your waist and 14 pounds of body fat in only 14 days? The proof is in the pictures: 41 women at Gainesville Health & Fitness in Florida tested the Tighten Your Tummy in 2 Weeks program under the direction of fitness expert Ellington Darden, PhD, who documented success stories with remarkable before-and-after photographs. Readers can expect results similar to Dr. Darden's test panel. For example, in just 2 weeks: Roxanne Dybevick, 54, lost 15.08 pounds Angela Choate, 68, lost 14.8 pounds Katie Fellows Smith, 60, lost 14.51 pounds Denise Rodriguez, 34, lost 14.49 pounds Brianna Kramer, 23, lost 14.26 pounds What causes such rapid loss of midsection flab? The answer is Dr. Darden's remarkable 5-step formula: 1) A special at-home resistance exercise technique called \

This Book was ranked 10 by Google Books for keyword six pack in 2 weeks.

Comprehension Power Readers Arthur Ashe: Stepping Across Line Six Pack Grade 6 2004c

Comprehension Power Readers Arthur Ashe: Stepping Across Line Six Pack Grade 6 2004c
Published on 2003-05 by

This Book was ranked 25 by Google Books for keyword 6 six pack.

Macroeconomics Study Guide

Macroeconomics Study Guide
By:"Elizabeth Sawyer-Kelley","Rosemary Cunningham"
Published on 2006-02-15 by Macmillan

For each chapter, the Study Guide provides an introduction, fill-in-the-blank chapter review, learning tips with graphical analysis, 4-5 comprehensive problems and exercises, 20 multiple-choice questions, and solutions to all fill-in-the-blank, problems, exercises, and quizzes found within the Study Guide.

This Book was ranked 10 by Google Books for keyword six pack guide.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Duale Reihe Anatomie

Duale Reihe Anatomie
Published on 2014-10-08 by Georg Thieme Verlag

Anatomie verstehen und bestehen. Perfekt vorbereitet für den klinischen Abschnitt. Hier bekommst du alle relevanten Informationen aus dem Bereich der Anatomie modern und lebensnah. Schwerpunkt ist dabei die funktionelle Betrachtung der Anatomie, das heißt die notwendigen anatomischen Fakten werden nach Möglichkeit immer \

This Book was ranked 20 by Google Books for keyword six pack abb.

Ab Workouts for Hardgainers

Ab Workouts for Hardgainers
By:"Michael Weston"
Published on 2013-06-25 by Hunting4Clients, LLC

Ab Workouts for Hardgainers Ab Exercises Series Are you embarrassed to be seen in your bathing trunks at the beach? Do you cringe at the thought of looking at yourself naked in the mirror? Have you tried just about everything to put on weight and build some muscle but nothing’s worked? Ab Workouts for Hardgainers provides diet guidelines and exercises for abs to help you put on/define some muscle. Get your body toned and your self-esteem back on a positive track. Scroll up to the top of this page. Click on the cover on the left-hand side to “Look Inside this Book”. Click on the link on the right side of the page to purchase. Or, just borrow it for free. Whichever you choose, we hope it helps. Other information about Ab Workouts for Hardgainers Genre = health and fitness/ab exercises Tabs = Ab exercises, six pack abs, abs workouts, workouts for abs, stomach exercises, exercises for abs, workout routines Here’s an excerpt from Ab Workouts for Hardgainers: “What’s The Best Abdominal Routine?” There is no single best abdominal routine. There are, however, a number of exercises that specifically target the abdominal muscles and that are geared towards helping you get those 6 pack abs that everybody wants. Ideally, your personal trainer will choose the best abdominal routine for you that will target your specific problem areas. S/he will also be able to expertly direct you and teach the significance of preciseness of execution once you become familiar with the basic movements. The best abdominal routine design will also include a customized meal-plan/dietary-recommendations-plan that stresses high quality proteins, composite carbohydrates, and healthy fats that will greatly assist you in maintaining your intense training program. Simple Abdominal Exercises Your best abdominal routine will consist of exercises recommended by strength and fitness professionals because their experience with numerous people over many years has shown them what works and what doesn’t. So according to the professionals, the best abdominal routine starts with (1) Swiss Ball Ab Crunches followed by (2) Inverse Crunches and then ending with (3) Ab Crunches. These are to be done in 3 sets of 12 – 15 reps. Crunches help tone your muscles – but someone who’s overweight has to lose the weight before they can see their muscles. This is the challenge of sticking with a fat-loss diet. Even if you’re not planning to go after 6 pack abs, strengthening your abdominal muscles is still important because strong abs reduce the risk of lower back injuries, help decrease low back pain if your back is already injured, and help to tone your whole torso. From a trainer’s point of view, the most efficient and best abdominal routine consists of: (1) ab crunches that bend the upper abdominal muscles and serve as the base for the whole workout, (2) inverse crunches that tone the lower abs, and (3) side folds that work on exercising the sidelong oblique muscles. Also, the American Council on Exercise declared Bicycle Crunches to be among the best abdominal exercises because it uses every muscle in the abs to develop a well-built torso. Exercising, eating well, and developing 6 pack abs is no mean deed. Uncovering those 6 pack abs needs constant checking of what, how much, and when one eats. Discipline and patience are definitely necessary. However, it must be repeated that even the best abdominal routine may not make the splashboard abs you’re hoping to see if you have a slow metabolism. But there are ways to quicken your metabolism such as (1) healthy snacking between meals, (2) eating low glycemic index carbohydrates, (3) aerobic or cardio exercises, (4) drinking adequate water to stay perked up, (5) lifting weights, and (6) checking your food consumption. If you’re able to strengthen your abdominal muscles, reduce your belly fat, and use a proven program that’s already proven its effectiveness with others, your chances of developing those 6 pack abs is greatly increased. --- End of Excerpt ---

This Book was ranked 14 by Google Books for keyword workout for 6 pack abs.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

The Wild Diet

The Wild Diet
By:"Abel James"
Published on 2016-01-19 by Avery Publishing Group

Abel James, creator of the wildly popular The Fat-Burning Man Show, brings us a Paleo-inspired 40-day weight-loss program that helps readers ditch the processed foods, return to basics, and drop up to 20 pounds in 40 days. Growing up on a farm in New Hampshire, Abel James ran wild and ate everything. Fresh zucchini in August, huckleberries by the fishing spot, kale all year round. But when he moved to the big city, he started eating a \

This Book was ranked 25 by Google Books for keyword fast 6 pack abs.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Guide to Your Best Body (Enhanced eBook Edition)

The Guide to Your Best Body (Enhanced eBook Edition)
By:"Kris Gethin"
Published on 2010-12-28 by Simon and Schuster

MAKE YOUR DREAM BODY A REALITY FROM KRIS GETHIN, editor in chief of the world’s leading online fitness site, comes a revolutionary 12-week diet and exercise program—supported by two million members and thousands of real-life success stories. Body by Design is a plan that promotes health from the inside out, starting by breaking down the mental blocks that are holding you back, then by building up the muscles on your body, and finally by adding delicious, healthy food onto your plate. Rather than subtracting things from your life -- cutting out calories, losing weight, banishing your belly -- here's how to add more of the right things: more muscle, more support, and more success. Motivation is the key factor that drives permanent change, and with Body by Design you can finally learn how to activate your inner motivation and with the proper balance of weight training, make fit happen forever. In Body by Design, you’ll learn how the optimal balance of weight training, cardiovascular exercise, and nutrition—along with the motivational tools to stick with that program for the long term—can help even people who have struggled with fitness for their entire lives to achieve spectacular, lasting results. Join the “Transformation Nation” and create your own story that will inspire others—with Body by Design. Based on the best practices found at (the world’s leading online fitness site), Body by Design shows that amazing things can happen when people get the tools they need to achieve their fitness goals. Just ask people featured in the book, like: TIFFANY FORNI a self-professed “fat girl turned fitness nerd” who turned her newfound passion for health into a career as a personal trainer. ROCHELLE FORD, who came from a family of unhealthy eaters but eventually lost more than 100 pounds—and converted her family to her good habits in the process. CLAUDIO RAMOS, who has more energy than ever after his 135-pound weight loss—“It’s like I’ve been reborn.” RICKY HOWELL, who achieved a stronger body and a newfound sense of confidence after his divorce. You could be a part of the Transformation Nation -- and you can start today, with Body by Design.

This Book was ranked 33 by Google Books for keyword six pack abb.

Popular Science

Popular Science
Published on 1992-10 by

Popular Science gives our readers the information and tools to improve their technology and their world. The core belief that Popular Science and our readers share: The future is going to be better, and science and technology are the driving forces that will help make it better.

This Book was ranked 19 by Google Books for keyword 8 pack 6 pack.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Guide to Six-Pack Bezique. Description and Hints on the Game by Squeezers. With the Laws as Adopted by the Portland Club ... 1931

Guide to Six-Pack Bezique. Description and Hints on the Game by Squeezers. With the Laws as Adopted by the Portland Club ... 1931
By:"pseud SQUEEZERS"
Published on 1931 by

This Book was ranked 4 by Google Books for keyword six pack guide.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Six-Pack Abs in 60 Days

Six-Pack Abs in 60 Days
By:"Robert Kennedy","Dwayne Hines, II"
Published on 1998 by Mississauga Ont. : MuscleMag International

Provides beginners with guidance on abdominal exercising. The text offers an eight-week exercise programme consisting of six routines of varying intensities. Numerous aerobic exercises are described and presented in routines, targeting fat burning. Nutritional issues are also addressed.

This Book was ranked 28 by Google Books for keyword six pack price.

Enterprise IoT

Enterprise IoT
By:"Dirk Slama","Frank Puhlmann","Jim Morrish","Rishi M Bhatnagar"
Published on 2015-10-29 by \

Current hype aside, the Internet of Things will ultimately become as fundamental as the Internet itself, with lots of opportunities and trials along the way. To help you navigate these choppy waters, this practical guide introduces a dedicated methodology for businesses preparing to transition towards IoT-based business models. With a set of best practices based on case study analysis, expert interviews, and the authors’ own experience, the Ignite | IoT Methodology outlined in this book delivers actionable guidelines to assist you with IoT strategy management and project execution. You’ll also find a detailed case study of a project fully developed with this methodology. This book consists of three parts: Illustrative case studies of selected IoT domains, including smart energy, connected vehicles, manufacturing and supply chain management, and smart cities The Ignite | IoT Methodology for defining IoT strategy, preparing your organization for IoT adoption, and planning and executing IoT projects A detailed case study of the IIC Track & Trace testbed, one of the first projects to be fully developed according to the Ignite | IoT Methodology

This Book was ranked 34 by Google Books for keyword six pack abb.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Six Days Inside A Mountain

Six Days Inside A Mountain
By:"Louane K. Beyer"
Published on 2012-06-13 by Xlibris Corporation

As the two young boys fought against the raging fire and high winds, they sought refuge in a dark and scary looking cave they had seen as they had walked the area. It all began as a day trip in the foothills of a mountainous area to do some target practice with a new rifle. Due to distraction and disorientation, they find themselves in a dilemma of getting themselves not only lost but also putting their lives at risk. They try to make the best of it by hoping for a rescue but, unfortunately, the situation worsens as the campfire they built sets the forest on fire which isolates them. With the reality of the danger they are now facing, they begin to take steps to survival by making a plan to search for food and water together. Each day brings harrowing experiences as they walk deeper into the mountain all the while they learn more about each other. By using techniques learned in boy scouts and recalling material from books they have read, they overcome obstacles. This fictitious sci-fi adventure includes encounters with aliens whose space ship is embedded in the mountain. Through ingenuity, they develop a way to communicate with the aliens to learn from each other to accomplish the mission of exiting the mountain and going home.

This Book was ranked 32 by Google Books for keyword six pack in six days.

Runner's World

Runner's World
Published on 2002 by

This Book was ranked 14 by Google Books for keyword six pack in 2 weeks.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Absession...America's Guide to Ultimate 6 Pack Abs

Absession...America's Guide to Ultimate 6 Pack Abs
By:"Scott Hayward"
Published on by

This Book was ranked 26 by Google Books for keyword six pack guide.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Essential Abs

Essential Abs
By:"Kurt Brungardt"
Published on 2001-05-18 by Rodale

Provides instructions on following a six-week program designed to help men integrate abdominal exercises into a workout either at home or at the gym, and suggests ways to build abdominal muscle for fitness or participation in sports.

This Book was ranked 18 by Google Books for keyword 6 six pack.

Six-Pack Abs:

Six-Pack Abs:
By:"D. Terry"
Published on 2013-09-04 by Booktango

Chiseled and defined abdominal muscles are something that many work hard for the world over. They convey the air of confidence and the appearance of vibrant health. You see them on television and online daily. But for many, they are elusive and just \

This Book was ranked 39 by Google Books for keyword i want a six pack.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

LL Cool J's Platinum Workout

LL Cool J's Platinum Workout
By:"LL Cool J","Dave Honig","Jeff O'Connell"
Published on 2009-04-14 by Rodale

While it may seem impossible to imagine, LL Cool J didn't always have a diesel body--he chiseled it the old-fashioned way, with hard work and discipline. Together with his longtime trainer, Dave \

This Book was ranked 19 by Google Books for keyword best six pack exercises.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Mandatory Deposits on Beverage Containers, Oversight

Mandatory Deposits on Beverage Containers, Oversight
By:"United States. Congress. House. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. Subcommittee on Transportation and Commerce"
Published on 1979 by

This Book was ranked 23 by Google Books for keyword 8 pack 6 pack.

Friday, March 3, 2017

The Wild Diet

The Wild Diet
By:"Abel James"
Published on 2016-01-19 by Avery Publishing Group

Abel James, creator of the wildly popular The Fat-Burning Man Show, brings us a Paleo-inspired 40-day weight-loss program that helps readers ditch the processed foods, return to basics, and drop up to 20 pounds in 40 days. Growing up on a farm in New Hampshire, Abel James ran wild and ate everything. Fresh zucchini in August, huckleberries by the fishing spot, kale all year round. But when he moved to the big city, he started eating a \

This Book was ranked 14 by Google Books for keyword 30 days to six pack abs.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Angels Twice Descending

Angels Twice Descending
By:"Cassandra Clare","Robin Wasserman"
Published on 2015-11-17 by Simon and Schuster

Simon’s journey to become a Shadowhunter nears its end as his Ascension ceremony draws closer. One of ten adventures in Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy. Simon’s Ascension ceremony draws near in this brilliant conclusion to Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy. This standalone e-only short story follows the adventures of Simon Lewis, star of the #1 New York Times bestselling series, The Mortal Instruments, as he trains to become a Shadowhunter. Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy features characters from Cassandra Clare’s Mortal Instruments, Infernal Devices, and the upcoming Dark Artifices and Last Hours series. Angels Twice Descending is written by Cassandra Clare and Robin Wasserman. Read more of Cassandra Clare’s Shadowhunter Chronicles in The Infernal Devices, The Mortal Instruments, and The Bane Chronicles.

This Book was ranked 38 by Google Books for keyword six abs pack.

Six-Pack Abs:

Six-Pack Abs:
By:"D. Terry"
Published on 2013-09-04 by Booktango

Chiseled and defined abdominal muscles are something that many work hard for the world over. They convey the air of confidence and the appearance of vibrant health. You see them on television and online daily. But for many, they are elusive and just \

This Book was ranked 11 by Google Books for keyword best six pack exercises.

The Free Fat Burner

The Free Fat Burner
By:"Mario Iliev"
Published on by Intrinsic Publications

Need something to help you lose that \

This Book was ranked 12 by Google Books for keyword six pack training.